shit urbanunderground is that u
This guy is such an attention seeking douchebag, I;m glad he's gone.. But not for long I guess, he's probably going to go on another forum where he can read up on the seduction community (spend all his evenings researching pickup companies) and then whine about it on a stupid website.
He will get banned from forum after forum for being a world class troll, and then he will return here, hoping that everyone has forgotton about his statement to leave this forum..
We should sticky this thread, as a reminder, just in case he comes back.
Oh yeah, another thing.. (this is to urbanundergound), pick your battles and fight them yourself, dont bite off more than you can chew and then cower behind your non-existant fan club, nobody owes you any favours, you haven't done anyone else any favours.
You're just an attention seeker, period. You have no friends, that's why you write to companies like RSD, threatening them to do x, when they don't give a fuck..
There I said it..
Maybe go to a doc, and get referred to a shrink who will listhen to your crap..
Have a nice day.
The little bit (about the tiny size of a Lovesystems instructors penis) of liberal in me wishes this guy well. I really feel sorry from that little bit of liberal in me....if you run for office dude, just dont raise my taxes and let me keep my health care! ok?...then i wish you well!.....lol...
![]() Quote:
looks like
breakdown to me
you did troll the forum with your website-advertisement hard, no wonder nobody could take you serious, even if your website might be not that bad.
honestly, i did not take a look at it because you annoyed me too much with your trollin'
less is more!